This page lists the 159 pre-defined sites in The list was based originally on some data from astropy, in which I have subsequently fixed a number of errors and added many new sites.

Light pollution data is taken from the World Atlas of the Artificial Night Sky Brightness 2020, and the naked-eye limiting magnitude at the zenith is estimated from the light pollution data using equations from Schaefer 1990 (PASP, 102, 212). In practice, the age, acuity and experience of the observer, and local geography at the observing site, can yield significantly different limiting magnitudes.

IDNameCountryLatitude (°)Longitude (°)Elevation (m)Light pollutionLimiting magnitude
aaoAustralian Astronomical ObservatoryAustralia31° 16' 31.38" S149° 04' 02.03" E1136negligible6.8
aipLeibniz-Institut für Astrophysik PotsdamGermany52° 24' 17.87" N13° 06' 15.38" E67very bad5.5
aliAli ObservatoryChina32° 19' 34.72" N80° 01' 32.88" E5035very low6.7
almaAtacama Large Millimeter ArrayChile23° 01' 44.40" S67° 45' 18.00" W5035very low6.7
apexAtacama Pathfinder ExperimentChile23° 00' 41.32" S67° 46' 42.97" W5058very low6.8
apoApache Point ObservatoryUnited States32° 46' 48.00" N105° 49' 12.00" W2798low6.7
apoaAnton Pannekoek ObservatoryNetherlands52° 21' 15.66" N04° 57' 17.84" E0extreme4.6
areciboArecibo ObservatoryPuerto Rico18° 20' 39.12" N66° 45' 09.72" W238bad6.1
armaghArmagh ObservatoryUnited Kingdom54° 21' 07.63" N06° 38' 54.47" W52bad5.8
asiagoOsservatorio Astrofisico di AsiagoItaly45° 51' 59.41" N11° 31' 35.22" E1034bad5.8
atcaAustralia Telescope Compact ArrayAustralia30° 18' 46.08" S149° 33' 54.00" E209very low6.8
baoBeijing XingLong ObservatoryChina40° 23' 44.52" N117° 34' 33.24" E950bad6.3
biruniBiruni ObservatoryIran29° 39' 00.95" N52° 30' 16.34" E1705extreme4.2
bosschaBosscha ObservatoryIndonesia06° 49' 28.67" S107° 37' 01.60" E1296very bad5.5
calanObservatorio Astronómico Nacional de ChileChile33° 23' 43.80" S70° 32' 11.23" W859extreme4.2
calaraltoCalar AltoSpain37° 13' 25.00" N02° 32' 46.00" W2158moderate6.6
caoCrimean Astrophysical ObservatoryUkraine44° 43' 27.96" N34° 00' 35.64" E578bad6.3
casleoLeoncito Astronomical ComplexArgentina31° 47' 55.02" S69° 17' 44.24" W2482very low6.7
cfhtCanada-France-Hawaii TelescopeUnited States19° 49' 30.96" N155° 28' 07.67" W4215very low6.8
ctioCerro Tololo Interamerican ObservatoryChile30° 10' 08.40" S70° 48' 22.32" W2215low6.7
danish0.5Danish 0.5m TelescopeChile29° 15' 18.71" S70° 44' 22.66" W2321very low6.8
danish1.54Danish 1.54m TelescopeChile29° 15' 27.77" S70° 44' 14.90" W2332very low6.8
daoDominion Astrophysical ObservatoryCanada48° 31' 11.31" N123° 25' 06.00" W229bad5.8
dctDiscovery Channel TelescopeUnited States34° 44' 39.50" N111° 25' 21.05" W2337very low6.7
draoDominion Radio Astrophysical ObservatoryCanada49° 19' 17.57" N119° 37' 11.99" W546moderate6.6
dwingelooDwingeloo Radio ObservatoryNetherlands52° 48' 43.55" N06° 23' 47.02" E14bad6.3
effelsbergEffelsberg 100m telescopeGermany50° 31' 30.36" N06° 52' 59.16" E328bad6.1
ekarMount Ekar 182 cm. TelescopeItaly45° 50' 54.73" N11° 34' 08.51" E1413bad5.8
eltEuropean Extremely Large TelescopeChile24° 35' 21.48" S70° 11' 29.76" W3060very low6.8
eso1ESO Schmidt TelescopeChile29° 15' 29.02" S70° 44' 08.68" W2331very low6.8
eso2.2ESO 2.2m TelescopeChile29° 15' 28.24" S70° 44' 11.62" W2330very low6.8
eso3.6ESO 3.6m TelescopeChile29° 15' 39.42" S70° 43' 53.61" W2388very low6.8
fast500m-aperture Spherical TelescopeChina25° 39' 10.44" N106° 51' 23.80" E853low6.7
flwoWhipple ObservatoryUnited States31° 40' 51.57" N110° 52' 42.04" W2320moderate6.6
gboGreen Bank ObservatoryUnited States38° 25' 59.52" N79° 50' 22.92" W806moderate6.6
gemnGemini NorthUnited States19° 49' 25.69" N155° 28' 08.57" W4213very low6.8
gemsGemini SouthChile30° 14' 26.67" S70° 44' 12.06" W2750very low6.7
griffithGriffith ObservatoryUnited States34° 07' 08.11" N118° 18' 01.51" W346extreme3.7
gtcGran Telescopio CanariasSpain28° 45' 23.67" N17° 53' 30.83" W2270low6.7
haleakalaHaleakala ObservatoriesUnited States20° 42' 29.32" N156° 15' 24.22" W3048low6.7
halleyHalley's MountSaint Helena15° 57' 44.82" S05° 41' 58.06" W659very low6.8
hanfordLIGO (Hanford)United States46° 27' 18.52" N119° 24' 27.56" W162bad6.3
iaoIndian Astronomical ObservatoryIndia32° 46' 45.98" N78° 57' 51.00" E4486very low6.8
icaoINAF Catania Astrophysical ObservatoryItaly37° 41' 35.18" N14° 58' 28.00" E1733bad5.8
igoIUCAA Girawali ObservatoryIndia19° 04' 22.55" N73° 50' 41.09" E981bad6.1
ilmtInternational Liquid Mirror TelescopeIndia29° 21' 39.39" N79° 41' 03.69" E2398moderate6.6
inoIranian National ObservatoryIran33° 40' 26.25" N51° 19' 06.58" E3572moderate6.5
intIsaac Newton TelescopeSpain28° 45' 43.55" N17° 52' 39.68" W2334low6.7
iramIRAM 30m telescopeSpain37° 03' 59.04" N03° 23' 32.64" W2843bad6.3
irtfNASA Infrared Telescope FacilityUnited States19° 49' 34.39" N155° 28' 19.20" W4168very low6.8
ishigakiIshigaki Astronomical ObservatoryJapan24° 22' 23.92" N124° 08' 21.18" E182moderate6.5
jcmtJames Clerk Maxwell TelescopeUnited States19° 49' 22.15" N155° 28' 37.06" W4072very low6.8
jenaJena ObservatoryGermany50° 55' 30.96" N11° 34' 58.51" E155bad5.8
jodrellJodrell Bank ObservatoryUnited Kingdom53° 14' 12.48" N02° 18' 30.60" W89bad5.8
keck1Keck IUnited States19° 49' 33.38" N155° 28' 29.61" W4139very low6.8
keck2Keck IIUnited States19° 49' 35.60" N155° 28' 27.74" W4141very low6.8
kisoKiso ObservatoryJapan35° 47' 50.00" N137° 37' 31.50" E1122moderate6.6
kpnoKitt Peak National ObservatoryUnited States31° 57' 48.00" N111° 35' 60.00" W2120low6.7
lasillaLa Silla Observatory (ESO)Chile29° 15' 29.81" S70° 44' 04.58" W2332very low6.8
lbtLarge Binocular TelescopeUnited States32° 42' 05.76" N109° 53' 19.32" W2902low6.7
lcoLas Campanas ObservatoryChile29° 00' 51.12" S70° 41' 33.00" W2282very low6.8
lhkLandessternwarte Heidelberg-KönigstuhlGermany49° 23' 53.32" N08° 43' 29.58" E561very bad5.5
lickLick ObservatoryUnited States37° 20' 36.00" N121° 38' 12.00" W1290bad6.1
livingstonLIGO (Livingston)United States30° 33' 46.42" N90° 46' 27.27" W18bad5.8
lmtLarge Millimeter TelescopeMexico18° 59' 10.32" N97° 18' 53.28" W4563moderate6.5
loianoLoiano ObservatoryItaly44° 15' 32.95" N11° 20' 03.98" E753bad6.1
lowellLowell ObservatoryUnited States35° 05' 48.00" N111° 32' 06.00" W2198moderate6.6
ltLiverpool TelescopeSpain28° 45' 44.65" N17° 52' 45.16" W2326low6.7
lulinLulin ObservatoryTaiwan23° 28' 09.46" N120° 52' 21.67" E2852moderate6.5
mcdonaldMcDonald ObservatoryUnited States30° 40' 18.00" N104° 01' 18.00" W2075very low6.7
mdmMichigan-Dartmouth-MIT ObservatoryUnited States31° 57' 11.87" N111° 36' 53.65" W1938low6.7
medicinaMedicina Radio TelescopeItaly44° 31' 13.80" N11° 38' 48.84" E25bad5.8
mercatorMercator TelescopeSpain28° 45' 44.55" N17° 52' 42.65" W2331low6.7
metsahoviMetsähovi Radio ObservatoryFinland60° 13' 04.13" N24° 23' 35.27" E51very bad5.5
midiObservatoire du Pic du MidiFrance42° 56' 11.93" N00° 08' 29.29" E2829moderate6.6
miroMount Abu InfraRed ObservatoryIndia24° 39' 11.15" N72° 46' 47.43" E1680moderate6.5
mmtMultiple Mirror TelescopeUnited States31° 41' 18.00" N110° 53' 06.00" W2608moderate6.6
molongloMolonglo Observatory Synthesis TelescopeAustralia35° 22' 14.78" S149° 25' 41.50" E736moderate6.6
mraoMurchison Radio-astronomy ObservatoryAustralia26° 41' 49.30" S116° 37' 51.82" E374negligible6.8
mroManastash Ridge ObservatoryUnited States46° 57' 03.95" N120° 43' 28.33" W1198moderate6.6
msoMt. Stromlo ObservatoryAustralia35° 19' 08.87" S149° 00' 31.89" E767bad5.8
mtbigelowCatalina Observatory: 61 inch telescopeUnited States32° 25' 00.00" N110° 43' 54.00" W2510bad6.3
mullardMullard Radio Astronomy ObservatoryUnited Kingdom52° 10' 02.36" N00° 01' 57.88" E21bad5.8
mvisMaunakea Visitor Information StationUnited States19° 45' 32.90" N155° 27' 21.55" W2792very low6.7
mwoMount Wilson ObservatoryUnited States34° 13' 33.24" N118° 03' 25.20" W1742very bad5.1
ngtsNext-Generation Transit SurveyChile24° 36' 57.85" S70° 23' 25.97" W2440negligible6.8
nhaoNishi-Harima Astronomical ObservatoryJapan35° 01' 31.14" N134° 20' 07.53" E432moderate6.5
nobeyamaNobeyama 45m TelescopeJapan35° 56' 40.27" N138° 28' 20.71" E1347moderate6.5
notNordic Optical TelescopeSpain28° 45' 26.07" N17° 53' 06.66" W2379low6.7
notoNoto Radio TelescopeItaly36° 52' 33.06" N14° 59' 20.04" E30bad5.8
novNational Observatory of VenezuelaVenezuela08° 47' 14.60" N70° 52' 12.54" W3610moderate6.6
nttNew Technology TelescopeChile29° 15' 32.40" S70° 44' 01.68" W2347very low6.8
oajObservatorio Astrofísico de JavalambreSpain40° 02' 31.24" N01° 00' 58.27" W1954low6.7
oalmObservatorio Astronómico Los MolinosUruguay34° 45' 19.42" S56° 11' 24.98" W77extreme4.6
oancObservatorio Astronómico Nacional de ColombiaColombia04° 38' 22.90" N74° 04' 59.99" W2555extreme4.2
oaoOkayama Astrophysical ObservatoryJapan34° 34' 37.69" N133° 35' 37.85" E371bad6.1
oavdaVal d'Aosta ObservatoryItaly45° 47' 23.18" N07° 28' 42.19" E1673bad6.3
ocaObservatoire de de la Côte d’AzurFrance43° 43' 38.17" N07° 17' 56.80" E349extreme4.6
ohpObservatoire de Haute ProvenceFrance43° 55' 51.00" N05° 42' 48.00" E650moderate6.5
olinOlin Science CenterUnited States41° 22' 44.65" N72° 06' 16.57" W65very bad5.1
oliverOliver Observing StationUnited States36° 18' 21.34" N121° 34' 00.33" W1518low6.7
onsalaOnsala Space ObservatorySweden57° 23' 35.00" N11° 55' 03.79" E18bad6.3
opmObservatoire de Paris, MeudonFrance48° 48' 18.25" N02° 13' 51.75" E158extreme4.2
palomarPalomar ObservatoryUnited States33° 21' 21.60" N116° 51' 46.80" W1706bad6.3
paranalParanal Observatory (ESO)Chile24° 37' 39.00" S70° 24' 16.20" W2635negligible6.8
parkesParkes 64m TelescopeAustralia32° 59' 52.01" S148° 15' 46.51" E378very low6.8
pdbPlateau de Bure InterferometerFrance44° 38' 03.12" N05° 54' 28.80" E2551moderate6.6
pddoObservatório Pico dos DiasBrazil22° 32' 05.39" S45° 34' 58.90" W1847bad6.3
peytonPeyton ObservatoryUnited States40° 20' 47.75" N74° 39' 06.12" W45very bad5.1
pulkovoPulkovo ObservatoryRussia59° 46' 18.48" N30° 19' 34.25" E81extreme3.7
roanjaseLos Nogales de Roan JaseChile33° 43' 00.92" S70° 19' 50.66" W1070bad6.1
roeRoyal Observatory, EdinburghUnited Kingdom55° 55' 23.66" N03° 11' 16.35" W128very bad5.1
rogRoyal Observatory GreenwichUnited Kingdom51° 28' 40.12" N00° 00' 05.31" W46extreme4.2
rozhenBulgarian National Astronomical ObservatoryBulgaria41° 41' 35.26" N24° 44' 19.81" E1732moderate6.6
saltSouthern African Large TelescopeSouth Africa32° 22' 32.96" S20° 48' 38.91" E1798negligible6.8
saoSeoul National University Astronomical ObservatorySouth Korea37° 27' 25.68" N126° 57' 15.80" E159extreme4.2
saorasSpecial Astrophysical ObservatoryRussia43° 38' 48.60" N41° 26' 25.60" E2064low6.7
sireneObservatoire SireneFrance44° 00' 00.00" N05° 29' 13.00" E1100moderate6.5
skaSquare Kilometre ArraySouth Africa30° 43' 17.61" S21° 24' 38.60" E1054very low6.8
skinakasSkinakas ObservatoryGreece35° 12' 42.43" N24° 53' 56.70" E1732moderate6.6
smaSubmillimeter ArrayUnited States19° 49' 28.12" N155° 28' 43.03" W4073very low6.8
soarSouthern Astrophysical Research TelescopeChile30° 14' 16.22" S70° 44' 00.63" W2681low6.7
sooSharjah Optical ObservatoryUnited Arab Emirates25° 16' 57.20" N55° 27' 43.20" E17extreme3.7
southamGordon Southam ObservatoryCanada49° 16' 31.55" N123° 08' 36.98" W10extreme4.2
spmObservatorio Astronomico Nacional, San Pedro MartirMexico31° 02' 39.60" N115° 27' 49.50" W2830very low6.8
sptSouth Pole Telescope-90° 00' 00.00" S180° 00' 00.00" E2800-13.9
srtSardinia Radio TelescopeItaly39° 29' 34.94" N09° 14' 42.58" E650bad6.3
subaruSubaru TelescopeUnited States19° 49' 32.00" N155° 28' 34.00" W4139very low6.8
swissSwiss TelescopeChile29° 15' 34.16" S70° 43' 58.50" W2358very low6.8
teideTeide ObservatorySpain28° 18' 03.96" N16° 30' 38.52" W2390bad6.3
tngTelescopio Nazionale GalileoSpain28° 45' 14.69" N17° 53' 21.27" W2359low6.7
tnoThai National ObservatoryThailand18° 34' 25.79" N98° 28' 56.26" E2449moderate6.5
tonaObservatorio Astronomico Nacional, TonantzintlaMexico19° 01' 53.61" N98° 18' 56.34" W2174extreme4.6
trappistTRAPPISTChile29° 15' 16.34" S70° 44' 21.84" W2313very low6.8
tugTÜBİTAK National ObservatoryTurkey36° 49' 32.38" N30° 20' 07.17" E2457bad6.3
ucloUniversity College London ObservatoryUnited Kingdom51° 36' 48.06" N00° 14' 32.12" W77extreme4.6
ucmjoUniversity of Canterbury Mount John ObservatoryNew Zealand43° 59' 07.19" S170° 27' 53.70" E1028very low6.7
ufrjObservatório do ValongoBrazil22° 53' 54.82" S43° 11' 11.97" W23extreme3.7
uh88University of Hawaii 2.2m TelescopeUnited States19° 49' 22.94" N155° 28' 10.08" W4197very low6.8
ukirtUnited Kingdom InfraRed TelescopeUnited States19° 49' 20.86" N155° 28' 13.34" W4191very low6.8
usudaUsuda Deep Space CenterJapan36° 07' 56.51" N138° 21' 46.37" E1458moderate6.5
ut1Antu (VLT UT1)Chile24° 37' 39.32" S70° 24' 17.73" W2627negligible6.8
ut2Kueyen (VLT UT2)Chile24° 37' 37.76" S70° 24' 16.94" W2628negligible6.8
ut3Melipal (VLT UT3)Chile24° 37' 36.61" S70° 24' 15.67" W2629negligible6.8
ut4Yepun (VLT UT4)Chile24° 37' 37.29" S70° 24' 13.81" W2634negligible6.8
vboVainu Bappu ObservatoryIndia12° 34' 29.56" N78° 49' 13.24" E725moderate6.5
vcroVera C. Rubin ObservatoryChile30° 14' 40.97" S70° 44' 51.57" W2622very low6.7
venusPointe VénusFrench Polynesia17° 29' 39.44" S149° 29' 39.67" W0moderate6.5
vidojevicaAstronomical Station VidojevicaSerbia43° 08' 28.30" N21° 33' 20.80" E1145moderate6.5
viennaVienna ObservatoryAustria48° 13' 55.00" N16° 20' 03.00" E229extreme4.6
vistaVISTAChile24° 36' 57.08" S70° 23' 51.23" W2503negligible6.8
vlaVery Large ArrayUnited States34° 04' 43.50" N107° 37' 05.82" W2124very low6.7
vltiVLT Interferometer (UT array)Chile24° 37' 40.61" S70° 24' 17.27" W2635negligible6.8
vstVLT Survey TelescopeChile24° 37' 34.85" S70° 24' 14.28" W2624negligible6.8
wendelsteinWendelstein ObservatoryGermany47° 42' 13.53" N12° 00' 44.09" E1784moderate6.5
whtWilliam Herschel TelescopeSpain28° 45' 38.31" N17° 52' 54.41" W2327low6.7
wiseWise ObservatoryIsrael30° 35' 50.26" N34° 45' 43.94" E863bad6.3
wrightWright's TowerUnited Kingdom54° 40' 26.94" N01° 37' 44.48" W198bad5.8
yebesObservatorio de YebesSpain40° 31' 28.67" N03° 05' 20.02" W915bad5.8